The Philippines – a tropical nation consisting of over 92 million people populating more than 1000 islands.
We are the Eddie Trimble family. Since 1993, we have been ministering in the Philippines on the island furthest south called Mindanao. Although missionaries have spread the gospel there for many years, the Philippines is still very ripe for a harvest of souls. The population growth rate is 1.72%, with more than 84% of Filipinos claiming to be Catholics. The Muslim population lives mostly on the island where we are working. Their numbers are rapidly growing
I was born into a poor family and my parents were unsaved. At the age of 15 I was invited to a church service, where I heard the gospel for the first time. I accepted the Lord as my Savior and started down the pathway of faith. At the age of 16 a Christian family took me into their home and I began to attend a Christian school.
I was called to be a missionary at age 16. After graduating from high school, I attended Oklahoma Baptist College, a ministry of Windsor Hills Baptist Church. It was there I met my wife, Becky. We were married in 1989 and joined BIMI in 1990 as missionaries to the
We completed deputation and arrived in the
After completing language school, we moved to Tagloan, which is also a city on
We then moved to Dipolog , assisting Bruce Rice, another missionary, to start a church.
There we helped build the membership with soul winning and discipling our converts. We also helped start a
In 2007 we felt the Lord was leading us to begin a new ministry in
Our church attendance runs 400 in the Sunday morning services.
Two of our college graduates have started ministries in nearby cities, and one has gone to
Through Faith Promise, the church supports 36 Filipino missionaries.
Our goal for the next five years is to start other churches in the metropolis of
Being a missionary has taught me that God can use anyone from any background. All you have to do is be willing to serve Him. Is God calling you? Will you consider being a missionary to bring the gospel to those who need Him?
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